Industrial Microbiology
Experience the fascinating world of microbiology through our immersive hands-on training program. Engage in practical laboratory exercises, allowing you to explore various techniques and methodologies used in microbiology research, cultivating valuable skills for your scientific journey. You will be able to work closely with experienced instructors who will guide you through experiments, fostering a deep understanding of microbial identification, culture techniques, and safety protocols.
Immerse yourself in a dynamic learning environment that encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork, equipping you with the confidence and proficiency to excel in the field of microbiology through our 15 or 30 days of dedicated Hands-on program.
15 days/ 2 Weeks program:
Introduction to Good Laboratory Practices and General Safety Instructions
Instrumentation: Working with Autoclave, Laminar Air Flow System, Incubator/ Shaker, Hot Air Oven,
Microscope and Other Instruments
Various Media (Solid/Liquid) preparation and Its Sterilization
Isolation and Screening of Microorganisms
Serial Dilution Method
Pure Culture Techniques (Streaking, Pouring & Plating, etc.)
Culturing & Sub Culturing Methods of Microbes
Isolation and Culturing of microbes from Soil Samples
Isolation and Culturing of microbes from Water Samples
Screening of Microbes(Staining Techniques): Gram Staining, Endospore Staining
IMViC Test: Indoletest, Methyl red test, Voges-Proskauer test, Citrate utilization test
Bacterial Growth Curve Analysis/ Growth Kinetics
Antibiotics Sensitivity Test
Culturing Techniques for E. coli. or Industrially Important Microorganisms
Isolation and identification of enzyme producing microbe
Isolation of antibiotic producing microbe by crowed plate method
Isolation of antibiotic resistance (MDR) microbe from soil sample.
30 days/ 4 Weeks program:
Introduction to Good Laboratory Practices and General Safety Instructions
Instrumentation: Working with Autoclave, Laminar Air Flow System, Incubator/ Shaker, Hot Air Oven, Microscope and Other Instruments
Various Media (Solid/Liquid) preparation and Its Sterilization
Isolation and Screening of Microorganisms
Serial Dilution Method
Pure Culture Techniques (Streaking, Pouring & Plating, etc.)
Culturing & Sub Culturing Methods of Microbes
Isolation and Culturing of microbes from Soil Samples
Isolation and Culturing of microbes from Water Samples
Isolation and Culturing of microbes from Air Samples
To study the Components, use and care of Compound Microscope
Screening of Microbes(Staining Techniques): Gram Staining, Endospore Staining, Capsular Staining, Flagellar Staining
IMViC Test: Indoletest, Methyl red test, Voges-Proskauer test, Citrate utilization test
Enzymatic test: Catalase activity Test, Oxidase activity Test
Bacterial Growth Curve Analysis/Growth Kinetics
Optimization of Growth Condition For Industrially Important Microorganisms
Antibiotics Sensitivity Test
Culturing Techniques for E. coli. or Industrially Important Microorganisms
Fungal Staining &Actinomycetes staining
Isolation and identification of enzyme producing microbe
Isolation of antibiotic producing microbe by crowed plate method
Isolation of antibiotic resistance (MDR) microbe from soil sample
To study the Chemical Control of Microbes
To study the Effect of Temperature on Growth of Bacteria
To study the Effect of pH on Growth of Bacteria
Isolation of Lipolytic Microbes from Butter
Effect of PH, Temperature, Pressure, Inhibitors on Growth of Microbes
Effect of physical &chemical mutagen of growth of microbes